Monday, May 02, 2005

Sorting stuff

I have been down sizing this weekend in my room, going through all my work, music, jewelry, letters and trying to be a bit ruthless getting rid of things. I took some pictures and stuff down from my walls and my room now just looks strange without them. I'm trying to get used to it without stuff up there. Because after my room is repainted in the next few weeks I can't put anything back up on the walls.
I knew it was going to happen, but it has now started really kicking in. I'm leaving cheltenham and my family. I know that possessions are not important but I don't want to loose this house. The walls hold too many memories, and I'm scared if I leave then I will be leaving the memories as well. And I wont be able to get them back.
I know I shouldn't let this get to me. I just have to bloody well grow up, act like an adult and move on with my life. Everyone else is, so I should be to. I have made my decisions so I should be grown up enough to deal with them.


At 9:59 pm, May 02, 2005, Blogger Spencer said...

I've often wondered why some people get more attached to a certain placec ot certain things than other people. I've tried to find a link between sentimentality and other human conditions (thoughtfulness, criminal intent, egotism, to name a few). But the only thing I've come up with is that sentimental people seem to be more locked into their pasts. This can be both an advantage and disadvantage. Advantages are that you'll be less likely to repeat the same mistake twice and you'll be less likely to risk everything you have on a foolish and unprofitable venture. Disadvantages are that you'll be stuck re-living moments that have already passed and you may get a little stale if you don't make an effort to shake things up once in a while. There's really no telling which condition has the overall advantage. Stick with what you know. But still try new things from time to time.


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