Wednesday, May 04, 2005

22 days to go

Well as the title of this post should tell you it's 22 days until my final exams. I am slowly going very insane. As people are getting more aware of by head had just ended up going mushy. I can't spell, type or even speak properly right now.
My college is being a pain in the ass, they have decided yet again that they aren't going to give us study leave- grrrr!!!! Plus we are meant to have a week off in may but the sixth from centre within the college does not get that week off! And the worst bit which makes us even more bitter is that they owe us a week holiday from january where they dragged our butts in a week earlier cos of our exams then as well.
I am so behind my revision its not even funny right now. My family dont understand what i am worrying about, but I kinda was stupid in march when the results came out. I am actually having to retake 2 exams they don't know about cos I failed them in januray but they think I got c's in them - whoopsie! Well at the time it seemed a good plan, it was easier to lie to them rather than see the disappointment in their faces.
So too much work, not enough time and I'm bloody annoyed about it all right now!!!


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