Tuesday, June 07, 2005

explanation of this weekend

Ok so it started Friday night, For another night I got absolutely no sleep and just spent the whole night sobbing my heart out. It was a bad, bad night.
Anyway Saturday morning I had a bad, bad feeling that my sister and her hubby would show up out of the blue that day and do the wonderful, aren't we so brilliant we have just come back from Canada!
So yeah at about 1pm, a car pulls up, then our gates open and there they are. As soon as I heard her voice I just broke. Well anyway I tried to get myself sorted so they would think I'm ok. And I thought I had timed it so I could get to the bathroom without anyone seeing my face as I knew they would know I had been crying. Well it didn't happen mum saw my face, asked me if I was ok cos I looked like I had been crying. Well of course I said I was fine but then just couldn't stop sobbing. So I stayed in the bathroom until I had got myself together and I thought my mum had gone, but she was waiting outside the bathroom door. She just looked at me and said what is wrong? And then I just broke into tiny pieces. We ended up talking for a bit then my sister came in and I asked if I could stay at her's for a bit just to get away. I also told her how crap my doctor had been and that I can't see my counsellor. So she is phoning her counsellor and trying to get her to see me.
Maybe this means I might be able to get some help at last. Maybe someone can do something or give me something to stop me feeling like this. Well that's what I am hoping anyway.
So Saturday night I went back to my sisters place. I don't know how long I am going to be up here for, most probably until Wednesday or Thursday. They don't really understand what is wrong and I'm having to be all happy around them which doesn't help.
But I had to tell heather what happened cos I won't be at rangers tonight. And the reaction I got was well take care. My faith in that woman redeeming herself in my eyes has just disappeared. Looks like I am really figuring out who I can actually count on when things get tough and I now know she isn't one of them.
The only thing which would make things better right now is to get some actual sleep, like 6-8 hours worth of it but it hasn't happened so far. But I am hoping if my body wants sleep I will eventually get it.


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