Monday, June 13, 2005

Friendship part 2

Well it’s happened yet again, I relied on someone too much and because of that I have pushed them away. I should have seen it coming, why would anyone want to have to deal with me right now? I don’t even want to deal with me right now. I sucked too much energy and time from them and because of that I am loosing them. I should of learnt by now that the only person I can ever be dependent on in this life is me.
I have realised that our friendship has been one sided for such a long time, I really am a shit friend!
I should never of told anyone what is going on with me. I should of kept it all to myself and just dealt with it. I shouldn’t have told anyone else and put my burdens on them.

Why do people need enemies when they have a supposed “friend” like me?


At 7:45 pm, June 14, 2005, Blogger Spencer said...

Don't be so hard on yourself. Just take it easy and things will come easier. Don't worry about how good a friend you're being. Just be a friend. Lean on your friends when you need to lean. But try to stand up alone whenever you can.

At 6:38 am, June 15, 2005, Blogger megs said...

I wish it was that easy but I do take your advice on board and I will try to stand up by myself whenever possible!


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