Sunday, June 12, 2005

Agony aunt

When I was at school I had a huge group of friends and we were all really close all 16 of us. But somehow over the years I ended up being the agony aunt type person of the group. Any of them who had any kinda problem always seemed to come to me. Why I don't know?! It's not like I have all the answers and they always wanted my advice and I never knew whether what I was saying was right.
Well anyway a few weeks ago one of the few people I have kept into touch from school texted me cos he had a really shitty evening being with his ex etc. And I replied and tried to make him feel a bit better about it. Then a couple of days later I spoke to him and he thanked me for what I said. I didn't think I had actually done anything but hey ho.
When I left school my closest friend there gave me a letter as she was the only one who knew I was leaving at this point. In it there was a poem and she wrote that whatever happened, wherever we were, she would always be there. At the time I just thought it was words, and I kept thinking like that for a long time. Then just before I spent my summer in Canada we had a huge argument and didn't speak for just under a year. I ended up doing one of pieces of research for sociology at my school. And it was then I bumped into her and it was like nothing had ever happened. From then we have kept in touch, it hasn't been steady contact with just a few messages here and there. But a few months ago we started keeping in touch properly, and it seemed to be exactly when she started having problems with her boyfriend. Well lastnight we ended up on the phone for 2 hours cos she had just had a really shitty night with her boyfriend. We haven't spoken like that for 2 years and it was literally like we had always been this close and nothing had ever happened over the years.
She said thanked me as well, and yet again I was like what are you thanking me for? She told me that you always seemed to be there and you always seem to know the right thing to say. I don't get it!! I've never been in a 2&1/2 year relationship, I always seem to fuck up every relationship I'm in. Why would I know what to do or say?
We also got talking about my other friend and that he got in touch with me, and I asked her why she think he did that? She told me that well if he is like me, you were always there in the past and knew what to say and do and most of the time it worked itself out they way you said it would. So coming back to you seems the right thing to do. But I don't think it's the right thing to do! I mean I can't even tell a guy how I feel about him. I can't even sort myself out right now. I don' have the same experiences as them, I don't feel comfortable about dishing out advice anymore cos I don't think I have the right answers.
well anyway after we got off the phone lastnight I found the letter she gave me stuck in my year book. And I re-read it and it wasn't just words anymore. It was true we always seem to be there when we need each other, however long we haven't spoken to each other in between time.
Hmm I don't know it's just all a bit bizarre right now.


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