Saturday, May 28, 2005

Stupid, stupid girl!!!

I am such a stupid idiot right now, and talking it through with my friend lastnight she completely agrees with me. Why do I fall, really, really badly for a guy when it's completely the wrong time?!! And I know it will never work out! I end up doing it every single bloody time. I know that even if he felt the same way about me it would never work right now. I am so too much totally messed up for any guy to be able to be with me. And I don't think I could cope with it anyway. There is also the fact that I'm moving in September and that wouldn't help any situation at all.
Why is it that when things were going ok I really wanted to be with a guy? Why would it of made it any better? I don't think it would make anything better right now either. I think I would just end up hurting him and most probably screwing him up in the process.
But I wish it would work out. I wish he knew how I felt. I wish he felt the same way. I wish I had stopped myself falling for him so badly.


At 9:45 am, May 29, 2005, Blogger Dano said...

Argh! I know your frustration! Happens to me all the time. Timing sucks! You'll know when the perfect time is.

At 12:46 pm, May 29, 2005, Blogger megs said...

Here's hoping so. I'm glad i'm not the only one who feels this frustration.


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