Sunday, May 29, 2005

Sunshine, cocktails and bbq's

Today has been a good laugh. I met up with a couple of good friends and we went for lunch and drinks. And of course the pub which we go to had 2 for 1 deals on all their cocktails- he he he! The sun was shining so we sat outside and just drank lots of cocktails, chilled out and sat in the sun. It was good. And I'm quite proud of myself as well, lots of alcohol and no cigarettes, it was an achievement and a half. But both of mates disapproved of me smoking anyway-so yeah.
Anyway when I got back this evening I was sat in the garden when our neighbours next door came out. I had noticed yesterday that some cute guys were staying for the weekend. And it was them in the garden, they set up the bbq, and oh I loved the smell, cos they put wood on it to burn as well-WOOHOO!!!!!!!!!!!
And then came the pot, I was just sat there thinking how much would I love to be next door smoking pot with them. But that wasn't gonna happen, so I decided to retreat inside and hide from the gorgeous smells coming from outside. Before the green eyed monster lured its ugly head.
But now sat in my room its all good, chilling with lots of candles and pine incense sticks-it smells like I have a wood fire in my room. Oh how I am loving it!
Oh god I have just realized, my sister and her hubby come back from Canada this week- grrrr!!!!!!!!!!! That means I'm gonna have to talk to them-bah! And even worse all they are gonna go on about it my niece and nephew, I do not need them rubbing salt into that huge gaping wound right now. Maybe I should just try avoiding them for as long as possible. It's not like they it will be a 2 way conversation. Avoidance is the way forward I think!


At 9:58 am, May 30, 2005, Blogger Dano said... candy...ahhhh. sounds like fun. If it happens again just invite yourself over.


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