Thursday, June 30, 2005

The first day of the rest of my life!

Today is a new day and I am making it a new start. The only person who can change how I am feeling is me. So it's time to turn the negatives into positives. If other people can get through this so can I! Time to put my argumentative and persistent streak into place, if the depression wants a fight then it is going to get one. But it isn't going to win any time soon. If I fought it at 15 by myself then I can do it again 4 years later!
My day has been good, and I have done a lot of things to help myself. My doctor is being a complete twat and my counsellor is too busy to see me. So I bought myself some St. John's Wort tablets and am doing heavy, serious exercise which should boost my serotonin levels. Plus I can also blog on here when I need to get things off my chest. I have made some cd's which only have positive, happy music on them which I can walk and exercise to. Plus they will give me a happy boost if I need it. I have put new flowers from my garden in my bedroom, they are bright yellow and oranges so good happy colours.
I have decided that I can't make a proper decision about what to do about the moving thing until my exams results come out. So until then I'm not going to make any rash decisions. But today I have finally got my loan forms sent off and will do my accommodation forms by the end of next week. So things for salford will be sorting themselves out.
I'm so happy I got my hair cut as short as I did because it's so much better now in the heat. As I found out today. And I actually think it's suits me better this length as well. I finally found a shrug to go with my outfit for the wedding. And WOOHOO I have definitely gone down 2 top sizes!! Which I am so utterly happy about right now. I thought I had a few weeks ago but I confirmed it by getting this top at a different shop and yes it really is true!! I think feeling happier about my appearance will also help me feel better. Which is wear the exercise comes into play as well if I keep loosing the weight I will find a size that I am actually happy at which I know in my head will make things better.
So time to say a big thankyou to suzi, spencer, lotta and dan for giving me the kick up the backside I needed. Thankyou peeps!!


At 3:41 pm, June 30, 2005, Blogger Dano said...

You're welcome!

At 5:49 pm, June 30, 2005, Blogger megs said...

Suzi thats the least i can do if you ever need it.


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