Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Stupid British TV Schedulers!!!

Stupid tv programme schedulers over here have hacked NHL - Damn rude twats!!! They are still showing NFL every weekend, so why not NHL?! It's not at all fair!! Yet another damn good reason to be leaving this idiotic country!

I am proud to say I can now make a full thanksgiving meal for the family by myself- yay go me!! Except for this stupid country doesn't sell tinned pumpkin or cranberries because they are supposedly out of season. Wait until American Thanksgiving and the shops will be full of pumpkin, turkeys and cranberries. But I coped, I now have lots of fingers with chunks of skin missing from peeling and hacking pumpkin but the outcome was worth it. Mmmmm I get turkey soup tomorrow!

The rangers were great lastnight and I ran an evening all about Canadian Thanksgiving and they were made honorary Canadians for the evening. It was so special to me that the girls wanted to know about the things I celebrate through my heritage. And they all officially love pumpkin pie which is quite an achievement I think.

It was my parents 35th wedding anniversary yesterday and I am so proud to be their daughter. They truly are a couple who meant what they said when they made their wedding vows however difficult it has been for them over the years. If I ever find a tiny piece of the love with someone like the love they share together I will be a very happy person.

I have given up trying to get pics on my blog for the moment cos my computer just wont do it. It is slowly dying away but it has done me very well and I am just glad I get rid of it very soon! But when I get to sweden I can use my friends digital camera and her compy and will be able to put lots of pics up from my swedish adventures. WOOHOO- hopefully more exciting blog to come!


At 7:51 am, October 12, 2005, Blogger Dano said...

Good Job Megs!!
Congrats to your parents!
Yay Sweden!

At 11:05 pm, December 28, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Stupid british TV schedulers?
At least the TV over there is a million times beter, though.


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