Thursday, September 08, 2005

I want a new body

I'm not a happy bunny at the minute. I had a huge allergic reaction to something on Tuesday, it started off in the morning but just ended up getting worse and worse. I have had 2 reactions similar to this in the past, one 4 years ago where it ended up affecting my joints and I ended up if school for nearly a month and counted write or walk. Then earlier this year I had another one which completely affected my whole body and I couldn't speak etc. Well this one decided to be a mixture of the past 2 nasty versions. Well eventually I decided on Wednesday morning I needed help so spoke to my doctor and now have a bunch of medication. I also have to go and see him on Monday to get a prescription for either steroids, an epipen or both (such a nice prospect- NOT!) so if this happens again I can sort it out quicker.
However I have a little problem already, ever since this major reaction I keep reacting again and again to just about everything I eat and drink. Which shouldn't be happening as I'm still taking anti histamines and the reactions shouldn't be getting as bad as they are. But none of us have a clue what has set it off. So basically if it's still this bad tomorrow I'm going to have to go see my doctor then rather than wait until after the weekend. But I'm gonna have to go on a really strict diet again to try and figure out what is triggering this. I'm so not impressed by any of this right now at all! Cos more than anything it just scares me especially when my face goes numb, my throat tightens and my jaw goes so I can't speak properly. It's like living a nightmare but it's real and I hate it more and more each time it happens. I have to say I don't know what I would do if this happened and I was by myself but hopefully I will get it sorted soon. Well I'm keeping my fingers crossed anyway.


At 6:14 pm, September 08, 2005, Blogger Dano said...

I'll cross mine as well!

At 4:50 am, September 09, 2005, Blogger megs said...

Thanks dano!

LOL - Rachel I think you might just be right.

At 5:02 pm, September 10, 2005, Blogger Christine Hart said...

Not that it's as serious, but my Dad's hayfever dissapeared when he moved from Yorkshire to Alberta. True story ;)

At 3:11 pm, September 12, 2005, Blogger megs said...

Thats really cool christine. I'm hoping the same happens for me.


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