Tuesday, September 20, 2005

Time to hide from the world

I want to write so much and have wanted to write a lot for the last few days. But whenever it comes to doing it the words don't come and I just don't have the energy. Which just pushes my frustration levels even further than they are already are. But I will write properly in the next few days when my head is slightly better.
But in brief-

My family are driving me absolutely insane and more cracks seem to be showing up between us. My sister and her hubby came down for the weekend - it was a total disaster!

I can now officially wallpaper successfully - yay go me!!!

I have decided as soon as my room & stuff is sorted and I am completely packed up, I'm just going to go to Sweden and hide with my friends there until my family have decided they are ready to go cos if I stay here any longer I can see permanent holes occurring in our relationships.

All of my mates have now gone back to uni. And I miss them all so much already! It feels really weird they have all gone. To be honest it feels kinda lonely.

I ended up completely breaking down and losing it at rangers last night. Thank god it wasn't in front of the girls though. I really do think right now it's safer for me just to hide away in my room again. It's safer for the rest of the population not to have to deal with me.

Sleep is not happening yet again - I swear it's "megs life" re-run time.

Oh and I am still having allergic reactions to pretty much everything I am eating and drinking- woohoo go me! It now seems normal - is that normal?!


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